Friday December 13th
QUESTION: Almost everyone does this on vacation, but not when at home.
ANSWER: Eat dessert
Thursday December 12th
QUESTION: Almost half of this food gets consumed between November and January.
Wednesday December 11th
QUESTION: 20% of people manage to avoid doing THIS during the holidays.
ANSWER: Gain weight.
Tuesday December 10th
QUESTION: 20% of us will get THIS this year for Christmas.
ANSWER: A Christmas CASH bonus from work.
Monday December 9th
QUESTION: Just over a 1/4 of us will consume this over the holidays-what is it?
ANSWER: Eggnog.
Friday December 6th
QUESTION: On average, we get 4 of these a week-what are they?
ANSWER: Face to face compliments.
Thursday December 5th
QUESTION: According to a new study this food is as addictive as drugs-what is it?
ANSWER: Cheese.
Wednesday December 4th
QUESTION: On average every household spends $1500 a year on this-what is it?
ANSWER: Wasted or expired food.
Tuesday December 3rd
QUESTION: The average woman will buy over 200 of these, over the course of her life-what are they?
ANSWER: Candles
Monday December 2nd
QUESTION: Just under 1/4 of people have had this happen to them at either Thanksgiving or Christmas.
ANSWER: Food Poisoning
Friday November 29th
QUESTION: 1/4 women don’t do this during the winter months.
ANSWER: Paint their toenails
Thursday November 28th
QUESTION: The average woman does this for 2 minutes more than the average man a day.
ANSWER: Showering.
Wednesday November 27th
QUESTION: Almost 3/4 of people buy gifts for people in their lives with THIS in mind.
ANSWER: Themselves.
Tuesday November 26th
QUESTION: When it comes to romance; almost ALL women do this but only 1/3 of men do it.
ANSWER: Kissing with their eyes closed.
Monday November 25th
QUESTION: If you’re average, you’ve probably been to 3 of these a year.
ANSWER: Weddings.
Friday November 22nd
QUESTION: Almost a quarter of people have done this home improvement before having family and friends over for the holidays.
ANSWER: Painting
Thursday November 21st
QUESTION: The average office worker does this 55 times a week.
Wednesday November 20th
QUESTION: For a healthy mind and body, do THIS for over an hour every day.
ANSWER: Listen to music
Tuesday November 19th
QUESTION: More than ¾ of people say this food gives them comfort.
ANSWER: Mac & Cheese
Monday November 18th
QUESTION: Having one of THESE will make your relationship stronger.
ANSWER: A dog.
Friday November 15th
QUESTION: There are 2/3 less people doing this than they were in the 1960s
ANSWER: Smoking.
Thursday November 14th
QUESTION: 20% of North American couples admit they regret doing this.
ANSWER: Combining finances.
Wednesday November 13th
QUESTION: The number one thing employees enjoy getting from their employer is a compliment. THIS is #2.
ANSWER: Free Food.
Tuesday November 12th
QUESTION: Experts say doing this early will make you happier.
ANSWER: Decorating for Christmas.
Friday November 8th
QUESTION: Over 1/2 of women do not trust their man to do this.
ANSWER: Fix their car.
Thursday November 7th
QUESTION: More than 1/3 of people will never experience THIS.
ANSWER: Wisdom Teeth.
Wednesday November 6th
QUESTION: 25% of us are actually relieved when this happens.
ANSWER: When plans get cancelled.
Tuesday November 5th
QUESTION: 5% of people did THIS with that extra hour of “time” they got over the weekend
ANSWER: Exercising.
Monday November 4th
QUESTION: People will love a gift more if it’s THIS.
ANSWER: Wrapped Poorly.
Friday November 1st
QUESTION: New research says doing this makes you happier and healthier
ANSWER: Running Late
Thursday October 31st
QUESTION: 90% of women’s costumes are THIS
Wednesday October 30th
QUESTION: If you do this outdoor activity for 90 minutes you will burn over 400 calories
ANSWER: Raking and bagging leaves
Tuesday October 29th
QUESTION: Almost a quarter of pet owners have done this to their pets
ANSWER: Put them on a diet
Monday October 28th
QUESTION: Over 1/2 of adults are still scared because of THIS happening to them when we were kids.
ANSWER: Seeing a scary movie.
Friday October 25th
QUESTION: A recent survey says 70% of people will not date or marry someone if they find them to be THIS.
ANSWER: Messy.
Thursday October 24th
QUESTION: North Americans spend more than half a billion on this in October.
ANSWER: Costumes for their pets.
Wednesday October 23rd
QUESTION: Almost half of us say it is not ok to do this on a commercial airline-what is it?
ANSWER: Reclining your seat.
Tuesday October 22nd
QUESTION: Statistically, this improves your chances of getting a promotion at work. What is it?
ANSWER: Smiling.
Monday October 21st
QUESTION: 1/3 of parents will do THIS at Halloween.
ANSWER: Eat more candy than the kids.
Thursday October 17th
QUESTION: The Average Woman Will Do THIS 3 Times A Year At Home, And The Average Male Once Per Year.
ANSWER: Wear their PJs all day
Wednesday October 16th
QUESTION: Almost ¾ of people say this dangerous and annoying thing will happen to them while driving today
ANSWER: Tailgating
Tuesday October 15th
QUESTION: Tuesdays are the most likely day for us to do this?
ANSWER: Be late for work
Friday October 11th
QUESTION: If you are average, you will eat 33 of these in a year.
ANSWER: Donuts
Wednesday October 9th & Thursday October 10th
No Too Early Question as we were doing the Yards For Hope Radiothon.
Tuesday October 8th
QUESTION: If a woman finds a man attractive, she is 60% more likely to do THIS on a first date. What is THIS?
ANSWER: Wear high heels
Monday October 7th
QUESTION: At any given moment, almost 1/3 of us think we SHOULD be doing this, but we keep putting it off.
ANSWER: Get a haircut.
Friday October 4th
QUESTION: The average woman will try this on average 6 times in her lifetime.
ANSWER: Hairstyles.
Thursday October 3rd
QUESTION: 70% of parents have done this with their kids even though they know its wrong and it involves school.
ANSWER: Send them to school sick
Wednesday October 2nd
QUESTION: More than a ⅓ of people say seeing this in the morning puts them in a good mood
ANSWER: Sunrise
Tuesday October 1st
QUESTION: On average, women will clean these once a month & men will clean them once a year.
ANSWER: Windows
Monday September 30th
QUESTION: 70% of people say they will never date a person who is ____?
ANSWER: Messy.
Friday September 27th
QUESTION: The most often recurring dream is falling; second most is being chased…what is the third most common?
ANSWER: Being back in school as an adult.
Thursday September 26th
QUESTION: The average mom spends 68 minutes a day doing this.
ANSWER: Preparing meals.
Wednesday September 25th
QUESTION: This is the most common place we lose our sunglasses.
ANSWER: Someone else’s car.
Tuesday September 24th
QUESTION: More than 3/4 of people say this is their biggest pet peeve at work.
ANSWER: People that leave dishes around.
Monday September 23rd
QUESTION: 28% of moms say they refuse to share this information.
ANSWER: Their babysitter’s info.
Friday September 20th
QUESTION: Almost 90% of people that get these never use them.
ANSWER: Frequent Flyer Miles
Thursday September 19th
QUESTION: 43% of us have this in our living room. What is it?
ANSWER: Assigned seating
Wednesday September 18th
QUESTION: Right now almost a third of men are doing this and nobody knows. What is it?
ANSWER: Dieting
Tuesday September 17th
QUESTION: Almost 1/2 of men are scared of this.
ANSWER: Losing their hair.
Monday September 16th
QUESTION: Parents spend 82 days a year doing this.
ANSWER: Trying to get their kids to go to sleep.
Friday September 13th
QUESTION: 25% of North Americans have a sexy fantasy about this.
ANSWER: A Cartoon Character
Thursday September 12th
QUESTION: 42% of people said they were happier when they stopped this.
ANSWER: Facebook.
Wednesday September 11th
QUESTION: More single women own THIS than single men own this.
ANSWER: A house.
Tuesday September 10th
QUESTION: 1/3 of parents say this is their favorite family member.
ANSWER: The dog.
Monday September 9th
QUESTION: 3/4 of men would rather do household chores than THIS.
ANSWER: Go to the doctor.
Friday September 6th
QUESTION: Almost a 1/3rd of guys have borrowed this from their girlfriend. What is it?
Thursday September 5th
QUESTION: Almost half of married men say their wife does this and it drives them nuts.
ANSWER: Backseat driving
Wednesday September 4th
QUESTION: On average we do THIS every year and a half.
ANSWER: Buy a cell phone.
Tuesday September 3rd
QUESTION: 46% of parents say this happens as soon as their kids go back to school.
ANSWER: They want to have another kid.
Friday August 30th
QUESTION: 20% of us say wearing these are a turn on.
ANSWER: Sunglasses
Thursday August 29th
QUESTION: Almost a quarter of us do this on the internet even though we know its not safe
ANSWER: Use the same password
Wednesday August 28th
QUESTION: 25% of these don’t work in your home.
ANSWER: Doorbell
Tuesday August 27th
QUESTION: More than ¾ of this food is consumed by men
ANSWER: Potato Chips
Monday August 26th
QUESTION: Only a 1/4 of us do this once a month and it’s lower than it used to be 10 years ago.
ANSWER: Go to the bank
Friday August 23rd
QUESTION: 23% of us say someone wearing these is a turn-on-what is it?
ANSWER: Glasses
Thursday August 22nd
QUESTION: 39% of us think this is the worst part of weddings.
ANSWER: Screaming Kids
Wednesday August 21st
QUESTION: There are two jobs where 95% of the workforce is female. One is a kindergarten teacher. What is the other?
ANSWER: Dental Hygienist
Tuesday August 20th
QUESTION: Experts say if you want to keep mosquitoes away DON’T do this.
ANSWER: Drink Beer.
Monday August 19th
QUESTION: 80% of men and 60% of women feel more attractive when they do this.
ANSWER: Running.
Friday August 16th
QUESTION: 87% of us love the smell of this, but the rest of us think it stinks.
ANSWER: The ocean.
Thursday August 15th
QUESTION: 29% of men have cried over this-what is it?
ANSWER: Weddings.
Wednesday August 14th
QUESTION: 33% of us would choose THIS as our last meal.
ANSWER: Fried Chicken.
Tuesday August 13th
QUESTION: This household item has a shelf life of 10 years.
ANSWER: Vacuum
Monday, August 12th
QUESTION: A new survey says THIS is the most annoying thing about our spouse…
ANSWER: Selective hearing
Friday August 9
Question: 1/4 of moms say if they had an extra hour in the day; they would do THIS.
Answer: Read
Thursday August 8
Question: A third of wives say they wish their husband would do this
Answer: Hold their hand
Wednesday August 7
Question: 1/4 of people that have done this wish they hadn’t.
Answer: Gotten a tattoo
Tuesday August 6
Question: 1/3 of kids won’t eat this food.
Answer: Mushrooms
Friday August 2
Question: Phone Chargers are the #1 thing left in hotels…what is #2?
Answer: Toothbrush
Thursday August 1
Question: More than a quarter of moms think their sons need to cut back on this.
Answer: Cologne.
Wednesday July 31
Question: Over 3/4 of women do this in the household.
Answer: Make the bed.
Tuesday July 30
Question: Almost half of men say that it doesn’t bother them if this is broken.
Answer: Their phone screen.
Monday July 29
Question: More than 1/4 of food delivery drivers have done this.
Answer: Tasted your food.
Thursday July 25
Question: Almost 3/4 of people who own one of these have a name for it.
Answer: Their guitar!
Monday July 22
Question: Half of men are ashamed of this.
Answer: Their body hair
Thursday July 18
Question: The average person will travel 200kms for THIS.
Answer: A concert
Tuesday July 16
Question: A huge majority of women say they will never do THIS outside.
Answer: Exercise
Monday July 15
Question: According to a recent study, this was the #1 item bought online in 2018
Answer: Cell Phone Accessories
Friday July 12
Question: 1/3 of grads said this is the #1 regret they had about college or university.
Answer: Student Loans
Thursday July 11
Question: 75% of us go cheap when buying these-what is it?
Answer: Sunglasses.
Wednesday July 10
Question: 40% of us say watching one of these puts us in a good mood.
Answer: Watching a sunrise/sunset.
Tuesday July 9
Question: Parents do this with their children about 5 times a week.
Answer: Argue
Monday July 8
Question: Nearly half of all people 20 years old and younger have never purchased one of these; what is it?
Answer: A Stamp
Friday July 5
Question: 95 % of people believe this is not a good idea on a first date.
Answer: Karaoke
Thursday July 4
Question: Men are more inclined to spend more money on this than women.
Answer: Impulse Buys
Wednesday July 3
Question: This mistake happens far less often nowadays. Only about 1% of the time.
Answer: Wrong number.
Thursday June 27
Question: 27% of people admit to doing this at work.
Answer: Pay Bills.
Wednesday June 26
Question: The average person spends 2hrs a day unhappy and this is the number #1 reason why.
Answer: Not enough sleep.
Tuesday June 25
Question: 1/3 of women will do this to get free food.
Answer: Go on a date with someone they don’t like.
Monday June 24
Question: If you’re a parent, you’re more likely to enjoy THIS food or beverage. What is THIS?
Answer: Chocolate Milk.
Friday June 21
Question: 47% of adults (over 30) do this at least once a month (only 32% of those under 30 do it).
Answer: Buy a lottery ticket.
Thursday June 20
Question: Almost a third of us need to do this right now but many of us keep putting it off.
Answer: Get a Haircut.
Wednesday June 19
Question: Almost half of kids don’t know this about their parents youth.
Answer: Their first job.
Tuesday June 18
Question: 3/4 of moms feel guilty for doing this.
Answer: Exercising
Monday June 17
Question: A new study says that the higher educated you are the more you do this.
Answer: Drink!
Friday June 14
Question: This is your dad’s #1 pet peeve.
Answer: When you leave the lights on.
Thursday June 13
Question: When THIS happens, it boosts your confidence for 2 days. What is it?
Answer: When your fav sports team wins!
Wednesday June 12
Question: It’s warming up outside! 1/4 of Dads have embarrassed their kids by doing this.
Answer: Having their shirt off in public.
Tuesday June 11
Question: 5% of us do this 21 times a week. In fact you likely did it last night. What is it?
Answer: Have a beer.
Monday June 10
Question: Over half of singles say this is the most desirable trait in a partner.
Answer: Honesty.
Friday June 7
Question: 1/3 of employees eat one of these a day at work.
Answer: A Chocolate Bar.
Thursday June 6
Question: Doing this doesn’t become embarrassing until you are 28 years old.
Answer: Living with your parents.
Wednesday June 5
Question: 70 % of moms think it’s ok for kids to do this when they are 12.
Answer: Be home alone.
Tuesday June 4
Question: Almost 5% of people say they have never washed this item.
Answer: Jeans
Monday June 3
Question: This is the #1 most requested item this year on married couples registries.
Answer: KitchenAid Stand Mixer
Friday May 31
Question: 26% of people believe this is the worst beach and pool etiquette
Answer: Blasting loud music
Thursday May 30
Question: 70% of people would break up with a partner that asked them to get rid of this.
Answer: Their pets
Wednesday May 29
Question: On average, parents say this to their kids over 500 times a year.
Answer: Hurry Up!
Tuesday May 28
Question: Almost 50% of women say they won’t date a man who does this.
Answer: Vaping
Monday May 27
Question: This is the number one place people lose their cell phones
Answer: Grocery Store
Friday May 24
Question: Studies show that doing THIS improves women’s productivity in the office.
Answer: Turning up the heat
Thursday May 23
Question: 44% of people would prefer a clean house over this.
Answer: “Doing The Laundry” 😉
Wednesday May 22
Question: 1 in 3 Brits sleep with this
Answer: Stuffed Animal
Tuesday May 21
Question: Cash & Gift cards are the most popular for Grad Gifts. What is the 3rd most popular?
Answer: Technology ( tablets & laptops)
Thursday May 16
Question: 34% of people have cried here
Answer: At work
Wednesday May 15
Question: 1 in 4 men never wear this
Answer: Deodorant
Tuesday May 14
Question: 60% of couple fight about this household task.
Answer: How to load the dishwasher
Monday May 13
Question: The average person has 16 of these.
Answer: Friends
Friday May 10
Question: 79% of kids have lied to their parents about this.
Answer: Brushing their teeth
Thursday May 9
Question: 20% of men are jealous of their best friends WHAT?
Answer: Hair
Wednesday May 8
Question: 50% of people think this could hold them back in their careers
Answer: Tattoos
Tuesday May 7
Question: On average – sons spend more on this than daughters.
Answer: Mother’s Day gifts.
Monday May 6
Question: On average it costs about $700 to do this.
Answer: Attend a wedding
Friday May 3
Question: 74% of people say doing this at work reduces stress.
Answer: Listening to music
Thursday May 2
Question: New research says that 27% of people under 20 have never seen one of these.
Answer: Typewriter
Wednesday May 1
Question: The average one of these is 6 years old
Answer: Your couch
Tuesday April 30
Question: Both men and women view women who do THIS as less human.
Answer: Women who drink
Monday April 29
Question: 33% of people won’t date someone because of this.
Answer: Their name.
Friday April 26
Question: 7/10 people find this relaxing and peaceful.
Answer: Driving
Thursday April 25
Question: 10% of people admit to faking this part of their lives on social media.
Answer: Vacations
Wednesday April 24
Question: This is something guys need to do every once in a while but most guys hate to do it in public.
Answer: Apologize
Tuesday April 23
Question: Women are 10% less likely to kick this bad habit.
Answer: Smoking
Thursday April 18
Question: About 6% of us never eat this.
Answer: Eggs
Wednesday April 17
Question: About 47% of adults over 30 do this at least once a month. Only 32% under 30 do it.
Answer: Buy a lottery ticket
Tuesday April 16
Question: This will cost you the most in Switzerland and the very least in Russia. Canada is the 5th most expensive place to buy one of these.
Answer: The Big Mac
Friday April 12
Question: 82% of us think this is a total waste of time but we still keep doing it.
Answer: Social Media
Thursday April 11
Question: 77% of women wish they knew someone who did this.
Answer: Dance
Wednesday April 10
Question: Women do this 62 times a day; men do it 8 times a day.
Answer: Smile
Tuesday April 9
Question: 35% of us say this is the most intimidating exercise to do in public.
Answer: Yoga.
Monday April 8
Question: 30% of couples say they would rather do this alone.
Answer: Sleep.
Friday April 5
Question: Over half of women do not trust their man to do this around the house.
Answer: Fix / repair the car
Thursday April 4
Question: It takes the average person 90 seconds to find one of these in their homes.
Answer: Rubber Band.
Wednesday April 3
Question: 4% of us say drinking this makes up cry every time.
Answer: Wine.
Tuesday April 2
Question: 96 % of singles say they’d rather have someone that can do THIS instead of a hot body.
Answer: Speak another language.
Monday April 1
Question: Only 50% of kids will experience this today.
Answer: Being grounded.
Friday March 29th
Question: This happens more on a Friday than any other day.
Answer: People drive more aggressively.
Thursday March 28th
Question: The shortest man ever to ever do this was 3’7.
Answer: Play MLB
Wednesday March 27th
Question: In a recent survey, 55% of men admitted they lie about this.
Answer: Their height
Tuesday March 26th
Question: 1/3 of us do this at work everyday.
Answer: Fake being happy
Monday March 25th
Question: The average person spends 20,000 minutes in their lifetime doing this.
Answer: Kissing
Thursday March 21st
Question: 11% of guys 18-44 would get a face tattoo if they could have this.
Answer: A full head of hair.
Wednesday March 20th
Question: Men do this twice as often as women in the bathroom.
Answer: Look at their phone.
Tuesday March 19th
Question: Half of us do this first thing in the morning.
Answer: Hit the snooze button.
Monday March 18th
Question: The average couple spends 10 minutes a day fighting about this.
Answer: What to eat.
Friday March 15th
Question: 1/4 of people do this when they go to a restaurant.
Answer: Wipe the silverware.
Thursday March 14th
Question: During WW2 the production of these were halted because they were considered non essential.
Answer: Potato Chips
Wednesday March 13th
Question: 39% of people say they do this in their home once a week!
Answer: Vacuum
Tuesday March 12th
Question: In a recent survey – women said THIS stresses them out more than their kids.
Answer: Their Husband
Monday, March 11th
Question: Because of the time change this past weekend, we’ll see a 20% of these…
Answer: Accidents
Friday March 8
Question: 44% of women will not go on a second date with a guy because of this.
Answer: He still lives at home
Thursday March 7
Question: On this National Cereal Day, what’s the most popular selling cereal in Canada?
Answer: Honey Nut Cheerios
Wednesday March 6
Question: 13% of us have fallen asleep here.
Answer: The dentist’s chair
Tuesday March 5
Question: The #1 thing North Americans say they don’t get enough of is SLEEP. What is #2 on the list?
Answer: Vacations
Monday March 4
Question: One out of eight adults say they cannot do THIS. What is THIS?
Answer: Ride a bike
Friday March 1
Question: 20% of people have superstitions when it comes to this.
Answer: Sports
Thursday February 28th
Question: Millennials think they have a better chance of actually dating a celebrity than doing this
Answer: Owning a home
Wednesday February 27th
Question: 70% of North Americans think a woman should do this when she gets married.
Answer: Change her last name
Tuesday February 26th
Question: 1 in 3 of us forgot to do this today!
Answer: Brush our teeth
Monday February 25th
Question: 1/3 of us did this over the weekend.
Answer: Work
Thursday, February 14th
Question: On average it takes 6 months to do this in a relationship…
Answer: Walk around naked with them home
Wednesday, February 13th
Question: 43% of people do this…
Answer: Flirt at the grocery store
Tuesday, February 12th
Question: This spikes 433% on Valentine’s Day…
Answer: Reservations
Monday February 11th
Question: 10% of people spend their tax return on this.
Answer: Vacation
Friday February 8
Question: Only 6% of women like this on a man.
Answer: A Mustache
Thursday February 7
Question: There are just over 100 of these in the Edmonton area
Answer: Skating Rinks!
Wednesday February 6
Question: 12% of women will get this for Valentine’s Day – what is it?
Answer: Gift Card
Tuesday February 5
Question: 2/3 of people on Earth have never seen this.
Answer: Snow
Monday February 4
Question: Moms spend about 300 hours per year doing this – what is it?
Answer: Changing Diapers
Friday February 1
Question: 17 percent of people will be doing THIS this weekend
Answer: Host a Super Bowl party
Thursday January 31
Question: According to recent survey what food to pregnant women crave the most?
Answer: Nachos
Wednesday January 30
Question: 44% of us say it’s never ok to do this at work- What is it?
Answer: Take off your shoes
Tuesday January 29
Question: When it comes to texting…65% of us think this is rude- What is it?
Answer: One word answers
Hey! Here are the answers to our recent Too Early for a Question Question’s:
Monday January 28
Question: 25% of couples admit to arguing frequently about this-What is it?
Answer: The temperature in the house
Friday January 25
Question: People who do this daily earn $25,000 more per year than people who don’t-what is it?
Answer: Exercise
Thursday January 24
Question: 40% of Men don’t know this about their partner-what is it?
Answer: Their favorite color
Wednesday January 23
Question: Men are 3 times more likely to lose this than women
Answer: Their hearing
Tuesday January 22
Question: On average women do this 4 times a week and men only do it once!
Answer: Call their mom.
Monday January 21
Question: On average you will have 11 of these in your lifetime-what is it?
Answer: Homes
Friday January 18
Question: More boys were named THIS in Alberta last year than any other name.
Answer: Liam
Wednesday & Thursday we were at the Stollery for the 20th CORUS Stollery Radiothon.
Tuesday January 15
Question: In a recent bucket list survey, 17% of people say they regret not learning to do this.
Answer: Play Guitar
Monday January 14
Question: 13% of new parents have admitted to falling asleep standing up here.
Answer: The Shower
Friday January 11
Question: 37% of millennials say they have never eaten this classic food.
Answer: A Big Mac
Thursday January 10
Question: 23% of us are afraid to clean this because of what we might find.
Answer: The fridge
Wednesday January 9
Question: 38% of people say they ignore these warnings.
Answer: Food Recalls
Tuesday January 8
Question: 1/3 of people have done this since Christmas.
Answer: Returned a gift
Monday January 7
Question: Statistically more of these happen today than any other day of the year.
Answer: Divorces
Friday January 4
Question: Americans spend 2 billion a year to take care of this issue.
Answer: Bad Breath
Thursday January 3
Question: 1/3 of us don’t know this about our grandparents
Answer: Their first names
Wednesday January 2
Question: 12% of people didn’t do this for New Years.
Answer: Stayed up until midnight
Friday December 21
Question: 44% of us have done this naughty thing while Christmas Shopping.
Answer: Switching Price Tags
Thursday December 20
Question: Somehow – 20% of us avoid this during the holiday season. What is it?
Answer: Weight Gain.
Wednesday December 19
Question: Almost half of people say they never experienced this when they were kids.
Answer: Being grounded.
Tuesday December 18
Question: On average, it takes 32 minutes to shop for this person.
Answer: Your boss.
Monday December 17
Question: 45% people won’t enter a store because of this. What is it?
Answer: Attractive salespeople.
Friday December 14
Question: 27% of people have quit a job because of this. What is it?
Answer: The Commute.
Thursday December 13
Question: 20% of us were born with this. What is it?
Answer: A Birthmark
Wednesday December 12
Question: Almost 40% of parents say, even if it’s bad, they’ll do THIS anyway!
Answer: Go and get their picture taken with Santa.
Tuesday December 11
Question: Experts say THIS will boost your energy in the morning by 28%
Answer: Brushing your teeth!
Monday December 10
Question: 32% of guys say they use THIS daily because they think it makes them look better. What is it?
Answer: Hairspray!
Friday December 7
Question: When moving in to a new home, 25% of people immediately replace these. What?
Answer: The toilet sheets
Thursday December 6
Question: A parenting survey says that this is a dad’s #1 pet peeve, what is it?
Answer: When the kids leave the light on
Wednesday December 5
Question: This doesn’t work in every 1 out of 4 homes
Answer: The Doorbell
Tuesday December 4
Question: The average person will spend 16 hours doing this in their lifetime.
Answer: Choosing what to watch on TV
Monday December 3
Question: 17% of us have not showed up for work because of this-what is it?
Answer: Work Christmas Party
Friday November 30
Question: When asked to describe themselves in one word, 90% of us said THIS, what is it?
Answer: Shy
Thursday November 29
Question: In your lifetime, you will spend $75,000 on this
Answer: Your cell phone
Wednesday November 28
Question: This is the #1 boys name for 2018
Answer: Jackson
Tuesday November 27
Question: Only 40% of married people would do this again
Answer: Marry their same spouse
Monday November 26
Question: Men are 3 times more likely to do this today than their fathers
Answer: Cry
Friday November 23
Question: 20% of people are superstitious when it comes to this
Answer: Sports
Thursday November 22
Question: 76% of women find this fun…however only 39% of me do
Answer: Dancing
Wednesday November 21
Question: 1/4 of us have admitted to eating this gross thing
Answer: Dog Food
Tuesday November 20
Question: The average takes 16 seconds to do this
Answer: Kiss
Monday November 19
Question: 25 % of didn’t know this about our partner before marriage
Answer: Their Salary
Friday November 16
Question: 78 % of teens say THIS is the most embarrassing thing about their dad
Answer: His Jeans
Thursday November 15
Question: 90% of parents think this person in their lives deserves a raise
Answer: The Babisitter
Wednesday November 14
Question: 65% of North Americans say doing this boosts their confidence.
Answer: Get a haircut
Tuesday November 13
Question: 41% of us have committed this crime
Answer: Being paid under the table
Friday November 9
Question: When it comes to love – half of people believe in this
Answer: Love at first sight
Thursday November 8
Question: 1/3 of people wouldn’t consider dating someone if they had this
Answer: A flip phone
Wednesday November 7
Question: 50% of people regret purchasing this
Answer: A Brand New Car
Tuesday November 6
Question: This is the most downloaded app on smart phones worldwide.
Answer: Facebook
Monday November 5
Question: This is the most popular pet name for couples.
Answer: Darling
Friday November 2