As an essential service Sentinel Storage is open for business. We have changed our operating procedures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our staff, our customers and the community. All inquiries, rentals and bill payments are now made remote – to provide operational procedures with complete physical distance and safety. This unprecedented time of change has seen many people look to storage for support in the following ways: Working from Home; Making space for a home office – perhaps by temporarily storing children’s items, or spare room furniture. Small Business Owners; Creating space for small business owners who may need to temporarily store their merchandise or office equipment. Students! If their items are temporarily stored with family/friends, we currently have a first cycle free* for students as well as a contest to help with tuition.We have monetary prizes to give away check our website for more details. We are offering help to hospitals and support agencies by donating portable storage to assist with their on site storage needs.

Sentinel Storage
Monday – Saturday 9am-5pm
*we have more than 2 locations across Edmonton.
Offices are closed, everything can be done over phone or email.
Promotions & Specials
First 4 weeks Free *On select units